”Japanese anime series following the adventures of 18th-century samurai warrior Manji. Having had immortality bestowed upon him by an ancient nun, Manji is spurred on by the death of his sister to end his immortality by taking on a quest to kill no fewer than 1000 evil men. “
”Japanese anime series following the adventures of 18th-century samurai warrior Manji. Having had immortality bestowed upon him by an ancient nun, Manji is spurred on by the death of his sister to end his immortality by taking on a quest to kill no fewer than 1000 evil men. ”
Originaltitel: Mugen no Jūnin (2008), regi: Kōichi Mashimo
Region: 2(Europa – engelsk import)
Audio: Dolby Digital
Språk: japanska (2.0), engelska (2.0)
Text: endast engelska
Längd: 325 min
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