The second season of the Japanese anime which follows the fortunes of young high school student Riki Naoe. After finally managing to reunite his baseball team the Little Busters …
The second season of the Japanese anime which follows the fortunes of young high school student Riki Naoe. After finally managing to reunite his baseball team the Little Busters, Riki’s narcolepsy continues to cause him problems as he battles to keep the team together following a number of challenging events at school.
DVD region: Europa – engelsk import
Audio: Dolby Audio
Språk: japanska (2.0), engelska(2.0)
Text: endast engelska
Längd: ca 325 min, 13 avsnitt
Format: 16:9 anamorfisk
Bonusmaterial: clean opening animation, clean closing, trailers
Rekommenderad ålder: +12 år
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