“From acclaimed director Michaël Dudok de Wit, and produced by the legendary Academy Award-winning animation house Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away), comes a magical castaway story that combines beauty, nature and mystery. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated feature, The Red Turtle is a stunning and touching animation about the transience of life.”
“From acclaimed director Michaël Dudok de Wit, and produced by the legendary Academy Award-winning animation house Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away), comes a magical castaway story that combines beauty, nature and mystery. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Animated feature, The Red Turtle is a stunning and touching animation about the transience of life.”
DVD & Blu-ray region: Europa – engelsk import
Bildformat: 1.85:1 colour PAL (DVD), 1.85:1 HD 1080p (Blu-ray)
Ljud: Dolby Digital 5.1 (DVD), 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio (Blu-ray)
Språk: – Ingen dialog
Text: – Ingen dialog
Total tid: ca 77 min (DVD), ca 80 min (Blu-ray)
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