“Tsutomu Mizushima directs this Japanese animated feature which follows a group of schoolgirls who take part in Sensha-do, a sport where competitors do battle using World War Two era tanks. With the Ministry of Education threatening to close down their school, the Oarai team are forced to face off against a university squad with only victory ensuring the future of the school. With the odds stacked against them, Oarai receive some unexpected help from their rivals as they prepare for the hardest battle of their lives.”
“Tsutomu Mizushima directs this Japanese animated feature which follows a group of schoolgirls who take part in Sensha-do, a sport where competitors do battle using World War Two era tanks. With the Ministry of Education threatening to close down their school, the Oarai team are forced to face off against a university squad with only victory ensuring the future of the school. With the odds stacked against them, Oarai receive some unexpected help from their rivals as they prepare for the hardest battle of their lives.”
DVD region: Europa – engelsk import
Ljud: Dolby Digital 5.1
Språk: japanska, engelska
Text: endast engelska
Längd:119 min
Format: 16:9 anamorphic Original ratio
Bonusmaterial: Behind the scenes videos, Interviews with the cast, Clean opening & closing animation
Rekommenderad ålder: +12 år
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