Follows high school student and photographer Kazuya Maeda as he experiences a number of romantic encounters with various girls at his school. Upon returning for his second year, Kazuya’s popularity suddenly increases thanks to his camera, which was gifted to him by his father …
All 13 episodes of the Japanese anime series which follows high school student and photographer Kazuya Maeda as he experiences a number of romantic encounters with various girls at his school. Upon returning for his second year, Kazuya’s popularity suddenly increases thanks to his camera, which was gifted to him by his father. After quickly becoming a member of the student photography club, Kazuya’s camera skills begin to catch the eye of a number of his classmates.
DVD region: Europa – engelsk import
Audio: Dolby digital
Språk: japanska (2.0)
Text: endast engelska
Längd: ca 312 min, 13 avsnitt
Bonusmaterial: Clean opening & closing
Rekommenderad ålder: +15 år
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