“The complete first and second seasons of the Japanese anime comedy following the adventures of a boy who falls in love with a homeless girl who lives beneath a city bridge. In the first season, after accidentally falling into the waters beneath the Arakawa Bridge, rich kid Kou Ichinomiya life is saved by eccentric local homeless girl Nino. Finding himself indebted to Nino, Kou faithfully agrees to pay her back by granting her wish that he become her boyfriend, so beginning a new life alongside the other eccentrics that live under the bridge.”
“The complete first and second seasons of the Japanese anime comedy following the adventures of a boy who falls in love with a homeless girl who lives beneath a city bridge. In the first season, after accidentally falling into the waters beneath the Arakawa Bridge, rich kid Kou Ichinomiya life is saved by eccentric local homeless girl Nino. Finding himself indebted to Nino, Kou faithfully agrees to pay her back by granting her wish that he become her boyfriend, so beginning a new life alongside the other eccentrics that live under the bridge.”
Originaltitel: Arakawa Andā za Burijji (2010), regi: Akiyuki Shinbo , Yukihiro Miyamoto , manus: Deko Akao
DVD-region: 2 (Europa – engelsk import)
Bildformat: 16:9
Ljud: Dolby Digital 2.0
Språk: japanska
Text: endast engelska
Total tid: 628 min, 26 avsnitt
Rekommenderad ålder: 12+
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